Sunday, September 28, 2014

Maluku or internationally known as the Moluccas is the oldest province in Indonesia, located in the Maluku capital of Ambon Ambon Manise nicknamed, standing Ambon City in the southern island of Ambon in the peninsula which Leitimur. Maluku and North Maluku provinces form a groups of islands in Indonesia, known as the Maluku Islands with more than 4,000 small and large islands.
The population in this province in the census in 2010 amounted to 1,533,506 souls. Maluku has 2 main religions Isalam Sunni religion and Christianity (both Protestant and Catholic). Maluku ingtan recorded in world history since the tragedy of conflict or humanitarian crisis and the conflict between basudara greetings-sarane Christians or between Islam better known as the Tragedy of Ambon.

Maluku ethnic race dominated by the Pacific Melanesian tribes still allied with Fiji, Tonga, and some of the largest island nation in the Pacific Ocean islands.
Maluku people generally dark, curly hair and a body profile that is more athletic than the other tribes in Indonesia. Since ancient times, many of those who already have blood mix with other tribes, namely the European nations (mostly Dutch and Portuguese) as well as the Spanish, then the Arab nation, is very unusual given this nation who have mastered a foreign nation for 2,300 years and gave birth to offspring new, which has not a pure Melanesian race again but still inherit and live with Melanesian-mannered Alifuru.

The language used is the language in Ambon Maluku province, which is one of the Malayo east is known as a trade language or trade language. Spoken language particularly on Ambon in Maluku has more or less influenced by foreign languages​​, the languages ​​of the nation of explorers who ever visited, visited, even occupy and colonize the land / soil Moluccas in the past. The nations that are the Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, and Dutch.
Language as the lingua franca of Ambon in Maluku has been understood by almost all residents in the province of Maluku and generally, also a little understood by the people of East Indonesia such as Ternate, Manado, Kupang, etc.. Language Ambon because language has a structure very similar to the language trade languages ​​in North Sulawesi, North Maluku, Papua, West Papua and East Nusa Tenggara.
Indonesian as the official language and the language of unity in the Republic of Indonesia (Republic of Indonesia) are used in the activities of a public official and formal like at government offices and schools as well as in places such as museums, airports, and ports.
Maluku is the largest archipelago in Indonesia, Maluku and North Maluku province develop a big islands called the Moluccas Islands. The number of islands that are separated from one another, also resulted in the diversity of languages ​​used in the province. Some of the most common language in the Maluku dipetuturkan namely:
• Language Wemale, used Piru State residents, Seruawan, Kamarian, and Rumberu (District of West Seram)
Alune language, spoken in the region of three tributary ie Tala, Mala, and Malewa in the district of West Seram
Nuaulu language, spoken by tribes Nuaulu South Ceram is between the Gulf and the Gulf Elpaputi Teluti
Koa language, spoken in the central mountainous region of Seram Island which is about Manusela and Mount Kabauhari
Languages ​​spoken by tribes Seti Seti, in North Seram and East Teluti, a trade language in East Seram
Language Gorom is derived from the language used by the inhabitants of Seti and ethnic or Gorom tribes who resided in East Seram district, which extended Watubela and Southeast Maluku Islands
Three languages ​​are endangered Palamata and Moksela and Hukumina. Hundreds of the above languages ​​are united by a language of instruction that has become the lingua franca for a long time, namely Bahasa Ambon. Before foreign nations (Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, Portohis, Wolanda, and the UK) set foot in the Moluccas, the original languages ​​of Maluku has been lived at least thousands of years and into the languages ​​of the family or family westernmost clump languages Pacific / Melansia (Papua-melanesoid language).

Maluku population adheres to three main religions of Sunni Islam as much as 50.8%, 41.6% were Protestant, and Catholic as much as 6.8% of the population. The spread of Islam made ​​by the Sultanate Iha, Saulau, Hitu, and Hatuhaha and Arab traders who visited the Moluccas. While the spread of Christianity made ​​by missionaries from Portuguese, Spanish, and Dutch.
Places of worship in Maluku Province in 2013 was recorded as follows:
Mosque by nearly 2 thousand pieces
Church as much as 2,345 pieces
Pura many as 10 pieces
Vihara many as 5 pieces.
Maluku Protestant Church, commonly known as the GPM is an organization pertubuhan church synods and the largest in the Moluccas, which has a church in almost every country around the Moluccas Sarane. In 2013, pilgrims who go to Mecca from Maluku Province is as much as 1,009 people, where the majority of pilgrims originated from Central Maluku as many as 506 people.


Ibu kota
Piru (de facto)
Bula (de facto)
In macro-economic, economic conditions tend to improve every year Maluku. One indicator among other things, an increase in the value of GDP. In 2003 GDP Maluku province reached 3.7 trillion later increased to 4.05 trillion in 2004 economic growth for 2004 will increase to 4.05 percent and 5.06 percent in 2005.
Geographical conditions Maluku province when viewed from the side of a strategic business investment opportunities can be predicted that the natural resources in the marine fisheries sector and can be used as excellent business in the Moluccas, in addition to other sectors such as agriculture and livestock sub-sector plantations, trade and tourism sectors as well as the service sector which is entirely commercial value and business potential is quite high.

Area of ​​land resources in Maluku is equal to 54 185 km2, with the potential of forest resources:
Forest Conversion: 475 433 Ha
Forest Preserve: 774 618 Ha
Limited Production Forest: 865,947 hectares
Permanent Production Forest: 908,702 hectares
Forests that can be converted: 1,633,646 ha

As for the mining and mineral producing areas in Maluku Province are:
Gold: Buru Island, Wetar, Ambon, Haruku, and Romang Island
Mercury: Damar Island
• Silver: Romang Island
Base Metal: Haruku and Nusalaut
Quartz: Buru Island
Petroleum: Bula (Seram Island), the Banda Sea, Aru Islands and oil reserves in Southwest Maluku.
Mangaan: Banda Sea

Maluku province designated by the Minister of CTF (Fadel Mohammad) as a barn since 2030 convening the National Fish Sail Banda 2010 Maluku which is the largest maritime islands in the archipelago is indeed worthy of national fish barn because of the potential fishery inordinate sea with rich and still awake of human intervention. Areas with potential for fish in the Maluku region
1 Banda Islands
2. Kei Islands
3 Aru Islands
4. West Southeast Maluku
5. Southwest Maluku

658,294.69 km2 of marine resources, with the potential as follows: - Banda Sea: 277 890 tons / year - the Arafura Sea: 771 500 tons / year - Seram Sea: 590 640 tons / year. Various types of fish that can be captured and contained in the Moluccas, among others: large pelagic fish, small pelagic fish, demersal fish, reef fish, shrimp, lobster, squid.
As for the potential for the spread of marine aquaculture contained in the Seram Sea, Manipa, Buru, Kep. Kei, Kep. Aru, Yamdena, terselatan islands and Wetar is white snapper, grouper, sea grass, oyster pearl, sea cucumber, lobster, and shellfish. For brackish aquaculture potential is milkfish and tiger shrimp.
Eastern Indonesian islands of Maluku in general and in particular have been affected by the Pacific plate collision, the Indian-Australian plate and the Eurasian plate which causes relatively more intensive the region became one of the very dynamic with different types of minerals and energy. Indonesia's largest gas reserves in the block are listed in MTB Masela Island (Maluku Tenggara Barat).

Profiles containing Maluku tourism objects and attractions and visit the Moluccas, the realities of tourism potential is so promising, especially for tourists for the time to come visit see the natural beauty include: Availability underwater attractiveness according to the characteristics of the Moluccas as islands, volcanoes , underwater volcanoes, Regional hills, natural scenery, Gulf, Lakes and hospitality Maluku people who have been known since ancient traditions society with regard Travelers As king.
Since ancient times, has been recognized Maluku has natural appeal other than rempahnya spices. Consists of hundreds of islands make Maluku has a unique panoramic view of each island and invited many foreign tourists come to visit and even settle in these islands. In addition to natural attractions, some relics of the colonial era is also a special attraction because it can still be well preserved until now. In fact in some areas, tourism has been popular to foreign countries. Some of the famous attractions in the Moluccas, among others:
Marine Park Manusela
Beautiful views of the Marine Park beach in Maluku still remember many unspoiled. This tour can be enjoyed in Pulau Tiga, Manusela Beach, the island of Banda.
Pasir Panjang Beach
The length of the beach sand in Tual, Southeast Maluku is a very stunning beach with white sand very long and soft like flour that makes the eyes could not bear to see it during the day because it emits a blinding light.
Natsepa Beach, Ambon
The white sandy beach is located on the edge of the road facing the province and some island. While enjoying the panoramic beauty can also enjoy coconut ice and Natsepa typical fruit salad. Very good for a family weekend getaway and relatives unfortunately that did not enjoy it
City Gate, Ambon
Coastal city door that is also still there at the end of Ambon Island is very attractive with its distinctive rock very large and there are holes like doors and hallways underneath make tourists who come unceasingly perpetuate one manifestation of the greatness of God that is difficult to find elsewhere . Entrance to the city is also a large rock shaped arch that juts into the Banda Sea in between the village and the village Airlouw Series, next to Peninsula Leitimor. There are few facilities for shelter especially enjoy panoramic sunrise and forms a specific rock.
Fortress Duurstede, Saparua
Amsterdam, Ambon
Fort Victoria, Ambon
Banda Neira, Banda
Fort Belgica, Banda
Hunimua Beach, Ambon (Liang Beach)
Located on the northeast peninsula Leihitu dealing with white sandy Ceram sepajang approximately 4 km, is 40 km from the city center. Clear seawater invite every visitor to plunge into the sea. A restaurant in the sea belong to the local community providing Malauku typical meal, grilled fish and colo-colo. Adjacent to the beach is there for penyerbangan Ferry Pier to the island of Seram, the former field is used to fly the Japanese World War II. This beach is located across from a nature reserve / Pombo Island marine park a white sandy island atoll reef and inhabited by birds Pombo (pigeon).
Sarnadan Ngur Beach (Pasir Panjang), Kai
Ngurtafur Beach, Warbal Island, Kai
Cave Ohoidertavun in Letvuan, Kai
Sawai, Seram North
Leksula, Buru
Latuhalat Beach, Ambon
Cape Marthafons, Ambon
Manusela National Park, Seram
Waterfalls Waihetu, Rumahkay, Ceram
Beach Hatuurang
Lokki Beach, Ceram
Englas Beach, Ceram
Aisele Labuan Beach, North Ceram
Ora Beach, Saleman, North Ceram
Kasa Island, Ceram
Pombo Island
Three Island
Island Luciapara
Island Ay, Run and Rozengain (Hatta), Banda Islands
Weluan, Kep. Tanimbar
Island Bais
Cape Fault, Ceram
Long Island, Island and Island Lulpus Garogos
Mount Booi
Kilfura, Ceram
Soplessy Beach, Ceram
Beach Manuala
The beach is calm and cool with many trees on the shore in it kept the charm of unspoiled coral reefs joking with marine wildlife.
Cave Lusiala, Ceram
Beach Kobisadar
Ahuralo, Amahai
Stone masahatu table, hualoy-spooky
Forest Cave Kartenes
Goa Akohy in Tamilouw, Ceram
Fortress Titaley, Ceram
Lake Binaya, Piliana
Tawiri, Ambon
Thermal Baths Tulehu, Ambon
Rivers times ama, hualoy-spooky
Maruru beach, hualoy-spooky

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