Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sultanate of Ternate or also known as the Kingdom of guppy is one of four Muslim kingdoms in Maluku Islands and is one of the oldest Muslim kingdoms in the archipelago. Established by Baab Mashur Malamo in 1257. Sultanate of Ternate has an important role in eastern archipelago between the 13th century until the 17th century. Sultanate of Ternate enjoy half-century glories at -16 thanks to the spice trade and military power. In the heyday of his power extends covers Maluku, Sulawesi, northern, eastern and central, southern part of the Philippine archipelago as far as the Marshall Islands in the Pacific.

Guppy Island (now Ternate) began bustling in the early 13th century. Ternate residents beginning an exodus of residents of Halmahera. Initially there are 4 villages in Ternate that each - each headed by a momole (clan head). They were the first to make contact with the traders who come from all directions in search of spices. Ternate increasingly heterogeneous population with bermukimnya Arab traders, Javanese, Malay and Chinese. Because of the increasingly crowded trading activities plus threats often come from the pirates then on the initiative Momole Tobona leaders held deliberations order to form a stronger organization and appoint a single leader as king.

1257 Momole Ciko Sampalu elected and appointed leaders as Kolano (king) with a first degree Mashur Malamo Baab (1257-1272). Guppy kingdom centered on the village of Ternate, which in the subsequent development of increasingly large and crowded that the inhabitants are also called Gam Lamo or large village (later the call Gam Lamo with Gamalama). The greater and the popularity of Ternate, so then people would rather say the royal kingdom of Ternate than guppy. Under the leadership of the next several generations of rulers, Ternate evolved from a kingdom that only berwilayahkan a small island kingdom that became influential and greatest in eastern parts of Indonesia, especially the Moluccas.

The structure of the Kingdom 
In the early days of Ternate tribe led by momole. After forming the kingdom of leadership positions held by a king called Kolano. Starting mid-15th century, Islam was adopted in total by the kingdom and the application of Islamic law enforced. Sultan Zainal Abidin left Kolano title and replace it with the title of sultan. The scholars become an important figure in the kingdom.

After the Sultan as the supreme leader, no jogugu office (prime minister) and fala raha as counselors. Fala raha or four houses are four noble clans that became the backbone of the empire as a representation of the momole in the past, each headed by a kimalaha. They are namely Marasaoli, Tomagola Tomaito and Tamadi. High officials of the empire generally derived from these clans. When an emperor has no heir, the chosen successor of one of the clans. Then there is the post - another position Bobato Nyagimoi se Tufkange (Board 18), Sabua Raha, Capita Lau, Salahakan, Sangaji etc.
Kolano dan Sultan TernateMasa jabatan
Baab Mashur Malamo1257 - 1277
Jamin Qadrat1277 - 1284
Komala Abu Said1284 - 1298
Bakuku (Kalabata)1298 - 1304
Ngara Malamo (Komala)1304 - 1317
Patsaranga Malamo1317 - 1322
Cili Aiya (Sidang Arif Malamo)1322 - 1331
Panji Malamo1331 - 1332
Syah Alam1332 - 1343
Tulu Malamo1343 - 1347
Kie Mabiji (Abu Hayat I)1347 - 1350
Ngolo Macahaya1350 - 1357
Momole1357 - 1359
Gapi Malamo I1359 - 1372
Gapi Baguna I1372 - 1377
Komala Pulu1377 - 1432
Marhum (Gapi Baguna II)1432 - 1486
Zainal Abidin1486 - 1500
Sultan Bayanullah1500 - 1522
Hidayatullah1522 - 1529
Abu Hayat II1529 - 1533
Tabariji1533 - 1534
Khairun Jamil1535 - 1570
Babullah Datu syah1570 - 1583
Said Barakat syah1583 - 1606
Mudaffar Syah I1607 - 1627
Hamzah1627 - 1648
Mandarsyah1648 - 1650 (masa pertama)
Manila1650 - 1655
Mandarsyah1655 - 1675 (masa kedua)
Sibori1675 - 1689
Said Fatahullah1689 - 1714
Amir Iskandar Zulkarnain Syaifuddin1714 - 1751
Ayan Syah1751 - 1754
Syah Mardan1755 - 1763
Jalaluddin1763 - 1774
Harunsyah1774 - 1781
Achral1781 - 1796
Muhammad Yasin1796 - 1801
Muhammad Ali1807 - 1821
Muhammad Sarmoli1821 - 1823
Muhammad Zain1823 - 1859
Muhammad Arsyad1859 - 1876
Ayanhar1879 - 1900
Muhammad Ilham (Kolano Ara Rimoi)1900 - 1902
Haji Muhammad Usman syah1902 - 1915
Iskandar Muhammad Jabir syah1929 - 1975
Drs. Haji Mudaffar Syah (Mudaffar II)1975 – sekarang
Moloku Kie Raha 
In addition to Ternate, in the Moluccas there are also at least 5 other kingdoms that have the effect of Tidore Sultanate, Sultanate Jailolo, Sultanate of Bacan, Obi and the Kingdom of the Kingdom Loloda. These kingdoms are rivals in gaining hegemony Ternate in the Moluccas. Thanks to the spice trade Ternate enjoyed impressive economic growth, and to strengthen its hegemony in Maluku, Ternate started expanding. This has led to resentment and jealousy enlarge other kingdoms in Maluku, Ternate view as a common enemy to trigger a war. 

In order to stop the protracted conflict, the sultan of Ternate 7th Kolano Chile Aiya also called Sida Kolano Malamo Arif (1322-1331) inviting kings Maluku others for peace and deliberation to form alliances. The Guild then known as Moti Persekutan or Motir Verbond. Main points of this meeting in addition to the establishment of a partnership is the uniform shape of the institutional empire in Maluku. Therefore, this meeting was attended 4 king Maluku strongest alliance then referred to as Moloku Kie Raha (Four Mountain Moluccas).
arrival of Islam 
There is no clear source as to when the beginnings of Islam, especially Ternate in North Maluku. But is expected since the inception of the kingdom of Ternate Ternate society has known Islam considering the number of Arab traders who had settled in Ternate at the time. Some early king of Ternate already using the name of Islam but the certainty of their nuances and the royal family embraced Islam is still debated. Just be certain that the royal family embraced Islam the official Ternate mid 15th century. 

Kolano Marhum (1465-1486), ruler of Ternate to-18 is the first known king embraced Islam with all the relatives and courtiers. Substitute Kolano Marhum is his son, Zainal Abidin (1486-1500). Some of the steps taken by Sultan Zainal Abidin was left Kolano title and replace it with the sultan, recognized Islam as the official religion of empire, enforced Islamic law and the kingdom established agencies in accordance with the Islamic law involving the clergy. These steps are then followed by the other kingdoms in Maluku in total, almost without change. He also established the first madrasah in Ternate. Sultan Zainal Abidin been deepened by learning the teachings of Islam Sunan Giri in Java. There he was known as Sultan Bualawa (Sultan Cloves). 

The arrival of Portuguese and civil war
In the reign of Sultan Bayanullah (1500-1521), Ternate is growing, people are required to dress Islamically, boat building techniques and weapons obtained from the Arabs and Turks used to strengthen the forces of Ternate. At this time also came the first Europeans in the Moluccas, Loedwijk de Bartomo (Ludovico Varthema) in 1506. 

In 1512 Portugal for the first time set foot in Ternate under the leadership of Francisco Serrao, with the approval of the sultan, Portugal allowed to establish a trading post at Ternate. Portugal came not merely to trade but to master the trade of spices, nutmeg and cloves in Maluku. For that first they must conquer Ternate. 

Bayanullah Sultan died leaving heirs are still very young. Widow sultan, the queen and Prince Taruwese Nukila, sister of the late sultan acted as trustee. Nukila empress whose origin Tidore Ternate and Tidore intended to bring together under one crown which is one of the second son, Prince Hidayat (later Sultan Dayalu) and prince of Abu Hayat (later Sultan Abu Hayat II). While Tarruwese prince wants the throne for himself. 

Portugal take advantage of this opportunity and pitting them until civil war broke out. Kubu consort Nukila supported Tidore prince while Taruwese supported Portugal. After winning just prince is betrayed and killed Taruwese Portugal. Governor Portugal acted as royal advisor and the impact they have managed to persuade the council to lift the prince royal Tabariji as sultan. But when Sultan Tabariji began to show hostility, he was vilified and exiled to Goa, India. There he was forced Portugal to sign the agreement make Ternate as a Christian and a vassal kingdom kingdom of Portugal, but the agreement was rejected by Sultan Khairun (1534-1570). 

Expulsion Portugal 

Ngara Lamo, the gates of the Palace of the Sultan of Ternate in 1930 
Treatment Portugal against his brothers made ​​the Sultan Khairun furious and determined to expel Portuguese from the Moluccas. Behavior of the Western nations also raises people's anger that ultimately stand behind the Sultan Khairun. Since the sultan Bayanullah, Ternate has become one of the three most powerful sultanate and a major Islamic center in the archipelago of the 16th century in addition to Aceh and Demak after the fall of Malacca in 1511 trio formed the Triple Alliance to stem lunge Portugal in the archipelago. 

Do not want to be second Malacca sultan Khairun waged war expulsion of Portugal. Position Portugal have very strong at that time, in addition to having the power of the castle and pockets throughout the Moluccas they also have indigenous allies that could be deployed to block Ternate. With the Aceh and Demak which continue to threaten the position of Portugal in Malacca, Portugal in Maluku difficulty in obtaining reinforcements until forced to beg peace to the Sultan Khairun. In crafty governor Portugal, Lopez de Mesquita invite Sultan Khairun to the negotiating table and eventually the cruel killing sultan who came without bodyguards. 

The murder of the Sultan of Ternate Khairun increasingly encourage people to get rid of Portugal, even the whole Maluku now supports leadership and struggle Baabullah Sultan (1570-1583), Portuguese outposts throughout the eastern region of Indonesia Maluku and battered. After the war for 5 years, finally left the Moluccas to Portugal in 1575. forever Under the leadership of Sultan Baabullah, Ternate reached heyday, the area stretching from North and Central Sulawesi in the west to the Marshall Islands in the east, from the southern Philippines in the north until the Nusa Tenggara islands in the south. 

Baabullah dubbed ruler Sultan 72 islands of which are inhabited to make the Sultanate of Ternate as the largest Muslim empire in eastern Indonesia, in addition to the control of Aceh and Demak western and central regions of the archipelago at that time. Three golden period of the empire during the 14th and 15th centuries whether intentionally or not be ruled out in the history of this nation when they were first pillar stem Western colonialism. 

The arrival of the Dutch
After the death of Sultan Baabullah, Ternate started to weaken, the Kingdom of Spain which has been united with Portugal in 1580 tried to regain control by attacking Ternate Moluccas. With the new power Spain strengthen its position in the Philippines, Ternate was established alliances with Mindanao Spain but failed to dispel, even Sultan Said Barakati Spain managed imprisoned and exiled to Manila. 

Suffered defeat after defeat Ternate for help the Dutch force in 1603 Ternate finally managed to hold Spain but with remuneration that is very expensive. Dutch finally mastered slowly Ternate. On June 26, 1607 signed the Sultan of Ternate in the Moluccas VOC monopoly in return help the Dutch against Spain. In 1607 the Dutch built a fort Oranje also in Ternate which is their first fort in the archipelago. 

Since the beginning of the relationship that is unhealthy and unbalanced between the Netherlands and Ternate cause dissatisfaction of the rulers and nobles of Ternate. Among them is Prince Hidayat (15 ?? - 1624), the young king of Ambon which is also the king of Ternate is a former trustee who led the opposition against the sultan and the Dutch position. He ignored the agreement with the Dutch trade monopoly selling spices to Java and Makassar traders. 

Resistance of the people of Maluku and fall of Ternate 

Guards Sultan of Ternate in the 1910s 
The longer grip and influence of the powerful Dutch in Ternate. Dutch freely passed a law that hurts the passing sultan orders. Dutch brash attitude and the attitude of the sultan who tend to lead to disappointment all the obedient. Throughout the 17th century, there were at least 4 insurgency waged Ternate nobles and the people of Maluku. 

In 1635, in order to facilitate monitoring and mengatrol prices slumped spices Dutch decided to do a large-scale felling of trees in the whole cloves and nutmeg Maluku or better known as Hongi Tochten which led to inflame people's resistance. In 1641, led by the young king Ambon, Salahakan Luhu, tens of thousands of troops combined Ternate, Makassar Hitu and pounding various Dutch position in Central Maluku. Salahakan Luhu later arrested and executed along with his entire family on June 16, 1643. struggle then followed by brother-in-law Luhu, Capita Hitu Kakiali and Tolukabessi until 1646. 
In 1650, the nobles waged resistance in Ternate Ternate and Ambon, the uprising was triggered attitude Sultan Mandarsyah (1648-1650,1655-1675) are too familiar and considered likely to placate the Netherlands. The nobles conspired to lower the sultan. Three of the main rebel prince trio Saidi, Majira and Kalamata. Prince capita Saidi is a marine or army supreme commander of Ternate, the young prince is king Majira Ambon while Prince Kalamata is the sultan's sister Mandarsyah. Saidi and Majira led insurgency in Central Maluku while Prince Kalamata join the king of Gowa Sultan Hasanuddin in Makassar. They had even managed to lose Sultan from the throne and lifted Mandarsyah Manilha Sultan (1650-1655), but thanks to the help of the Dutch position Mandarsyah again restored. After 5 years the rebellion was extinguished Saidi et al. Prince Saidi brutally tortured to death while Prince Majira and Kalamata sultan receive forgiveness and live in exile. 
Sultan Muhammad Nurul Islam, better known by the name of Sultan ciborium (1675 - 1691) was frustrated with the behavior of arbitrary Netherlands. He then forge alliances with the rulers of Mindanao Datuk Abdul Rahman, but his attempt to join forces to less than the maximum because of the strategic areas that can be relied upon to base resistance already fallen into the hands of the Netherlands by the various agreements made ​​by his predecessor. He lost and was forced to step aside to Jailolo. Dated July 7, 1683 ciborium Sultan was forced to sign an agreement that essentially makes the kingdom of Ternate as the dependent Netherlands. This agreement ended the period of Ternate as a sovereign state. 
Despite having lost their power, the next few sultan of Ternate Ternate still struggling issued from the clutches of the Netherlands. With limited capability because they are always being watched only be able to support the struggle of the people secretly. The last one in 1914 Sultan Haji Muhammad Usman Shah (1896-1927) moving resistance of the people in the territories power, began in the regions under the leadership Hairuddin Banggai Tomagola but failed. 

In Jailolo people Tudowongi, Tuwada and Kao led Capita Banau successful result in losses in the Netherlands, many Dutch soldiers were killed including the Netherlands Controleur Agerbeek and their headquarters was ransacked. However, because of military superiority and a more complete arsenal owned by the Dutch resistance is successfully broken, Banau capita was arrested and sentenced to hang. Sultan Haji Muhammad Usman Shah proved to be involved in this uprising is therefore based on the decision of the Dutch Government, dated 23 September 1915 no. 47, Sultan Haji Muhammad Usman Shah was removed from the post of the sultan and all his property confiscated, he was exiled to London in 1915 and died there in 1927. 

Post a decrease Sultan Haji Muhammad Usman Shah Sultan's position was vacant for 14 years and is run by Jogugu customs administration and the imperial council. Had appeared the Dutch East Indies government's desire to remove the Sultanate of Ternate but the intention was nevertheless carried out for fear of a backlash that could spark a new uprising of Ternate while being away from the center of the Dutch government in Batavia. 

In the age now entering the age of 750 years, the Sultanate of Ternate still survive albeit merely a cultural symbol. Positions as leaders of Ternate sultan 49th sultan now held by Drs. H. Mudaffar Sjah, BcHk. (Mudaffar II) were crowned in 1986. 

Inheritance Ternate 
Empire led archipelago east of Ternate indeed have collapsed since the mid 17th century, but the influence of Ternate as a royal with a long history still continues to be felt until centuries later. Ternate has a large stake in the culture, especially the eastern part of Sulawesi archipelago (north and east coast) and the Moluccas. The influence that includes religion, customs and language. 

As the first monarch to embrace Islam, Ternate has a major role in efforts pengislaman and the introduction of Sharia-Islamic law in the eastern and southern part of the Philippine archipelago. Sultanate form of organization and the implementation of Islamic law which was first introduced by Sultan Zainal Abidin became the standard that is followed all the kingdoms in Maluku, almost without any significant changes. 

The success of the people of Ternate under Sultan Baabullah in Portugal expelled in 1575 was the first native of the archipelago victory over the forces of the west, therefore Buya Hamka even praised the victory of the people of Ternate This delayed the western colonization of the archipelago on earth for 100 years and a strengthened position of Islam, and in case people Ternate fails eastern Indonesia will undoubtedly be the center of Christianity as well as the Philippines. 

The position of Ternate as an influential kingdom also helped raise the degree of Ternate language as lingua franca in many regions that are under its influence. Prof. E.K.W. Masinambow in his writing, "The language of Ternate in the context of Austronesian languages ​​and non-Austronesian" argued that the language of Ternate had the biggest impact on the Malay language used by the people of eastern Indonesia. A total of 46% in Manado Malay words taken from the language of Ternate. Ternate Malay language is now used widely in Indonesia, especially East North Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and the eastern coast of South Maluku and Papua with a different dialect. [6] 

Two manuscript letters sultan of Ternate, from Sultan Abu Hayat II to the King of Portugal on 27 April and 8 November 1521 is recognized as the world's oldest Malay manuscript after manuscript Cape Malay Land. The second letter of the Sultan Abu Hayat is still stored in the Museum of Lisbon, Portugal


  1. Who are the 3 sultan of Ternate came to the Philippines? Because one of them is my ancestor or my great great grandfather. The great grandfather of my grandmother. My father knows his name but I can not publish it.


    According to the revolvy. com Old Sultanate of Ternate just influenced the South of Mindanao. South of Mindanao means the Miangas island and the Samal island of Davao but not controlling the Mindanao island

    When you look at the history of Mindanao, the civilization was dated between 4,500 and 2,000 BC see Subanen Tribe of Mindanao in the southern Philippines appears to be earlier than Indonesia.

    The Asia pacific history and artifacts found out that the first human existence was from the North Luzon and the oldest, the earlies human that exist in the Whole Asia pacific see the timeline of the Philippines.

    Meaning the people of the asia paficic including indonesia are from the ancient of the Ybatan tribe in northern Luzon which was called as Austronesian. The blood line of all facific lander are from the North Luzon of the North Philippines close to Taiwan. As discovery that corrected the previous thought that the Austronesians are from taiwan but later found out that the Old Austronesians are from Cagayan, North Luzon with a modern name Ybatan Tribe (Origin of Austronesian) traveling to Taiwan and migrating all over the Asia pacific.

    The Divisions of Mindanao


    is controlled and governed by the Subanen tribe since the ancient times in a Monarchy system of government through the a Datu, Timuay and Bae the following areas in named in the present

    1.) Basilan Island
    2.) Zamboanga Peninsula ( Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugey)
    3. Misamis Occidental (Ozamis City- Center of Armed forces of Subanen tribe)
    4.) Lanao del norte - iligan city (Boundary with Maranao Tribe)
    5. Cagayan de Oro,
    6. Misamis Oriental
    7. Gingoog City (Boundary with the kaharian sa Butuan or Kingdom of Butuan)
    8 Camiguin Island


    Boundary in Gingoog the territory of Subanen tribe and the kaharain sa Butuan ( Kingdom of Butuan) dominated by the kamayo tribe to Surigao and Dinagat Islands


    Governed by the Mandaya tribe including Davao del Sur, Davao Del Norte, Davao Oriental and Davao Occidental


    Governed by the Maguindanao Tribe through Sultanate of Maguindanao shared with the Maranao Tribe


    Governed by the Sultanate of Sulu - the tausug people with Areas of Sulu and North Borneo
